Sunday, December 30, 2012

Grandma Lynn and Lindey and Ruth's Meeting

         In chapter nine I meet Grandma Lynn, Susie’s grandmother. She decides to live with the Salmons. Susie's mother Abigail tells her that she does not have to, but Grandma Lynn insists. Grandma Lynn lightens the mood in the story with her humor.  She is worried about Jack and Abigail's state of mind after Susie dies. Grandma Lynn asks Abigail if Jack (Susie’s parents) still thinks "that man" killed Susie (page 99). Lindsey overhears the conversation. Grandma Lynn teaches Lindsey how to put on makeup. Lindsey begins to see herself as growing up, and she stares at the image in the mirror with her makeup applied and her eyelashes longer. In chapter ten takes a field to Pennsylvania's Gifted Symposium with her classmates. Her classmates aren’t sure how to treat her.  Ruth is also at the symposium so she introduces herself to Lindsay, but she rejects her.  Lindsey starts dating a boy named Samuel.  At night, Ruth sneaks into Lindsey's dorm and talk to her, and then Ruth crawls into bed with Lindsey. They talk about Susie and their dreams and nightmares about her. Ruth asks Lindsey if she misses her sister, and Lindsey responds, "More than anyone will ever know" (page 121).

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