Sunday, December 30, 2012

Susie Saves Buckley and Learns More about Mr. Harvey

In chapter seven Buckley, his friend Nate, and the family dog Holiday go up the stairs in his house. Buckley tells Nate that he can see Susie and that Susie talks to him and kisses his cheek sometimes. Buckley and Nate go into Susie’s room and find her stash of private stuff. He finds a bloody twig that she saved two years before she died. Susie was watching and starts to have a flashback from when she was babysitting Buckley. He gets a twig stuck in his throat and starts chocking. She grabbed her dad’s car keys and drove him to the hospital, saving his life. She saved the twig as a memory. In chapter eight Susie learns more about Mr. Harvey. He sees him have dreams about his rough childhood

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